Vom Haus Zamolxis
We are Vom Haus Zamolxis , one of the best producer offering registered German Shepherd litters of puppies for re-homing from high quality German Shepherd pedigrees. German Shepherd Aurora Colorado. Our main objective at Zamolxis Haus is to produce the best German Shepherd litters of puppies for sale in USA and in the world. Producing top West German Sieger show Line German Shepherds is number one in producing quality German Shepherd puppies for sale.
Our pure bred German Shepherd puppies for sale are registered with the American Kennel Club and/or the SV in Germany. Our German Shepherd litters of Puppies for sale are excellent for families —good with children, adaptable to any environment. German Shepherd Aurora Colorado. Our German Shepherd puppies have super character, rich black and red color and of course sound temperament. As a German Shepherd producer, German Shepherd Puppies Colorado. we are not like other German Shepherd Breeders, we breed world class German Shepherd dogs from west German Sieger show lines and adhere to the German SV Standards.
Contact Us for More Details German Shepherd Puppies Colorado.